September 2nd was Nicholas's first day of Kindegarton. His first day was a half-day and although Mom was extremely nervous Nicholas was just excited to go to school. His second day was a full day and he was dragging his feet until I mentioned meeting the bus, I've never seen him get ready so fast. We met the bus at 8:30 and the bus driver probably new this was my oldest child with all my questions (Is this the bus to Oakbrook?, Does he have to find his class by himself?, Will he sit up front?) After I put him on the bus Samuel and I jumped in the minivan and followed it to the school. I got separated from it at one point and never saw him get off the bus. I looked and looked but couldn't see him in line for his class either. I grabbed Sam and hurried to his door where he was supposed to line up and there he stood.
"Mom, what are you doing here?"
"Well I just wanted to make sure you made it okay. Did you get off the bus and in line all by yourself?"
"Yes Mom, Room 2. Remember?"