Monday, May 5, 2008


Kai and I have been teaching the Valiant 10 class since we moved here in June and although we've had our moments we have come to love our class and have enjoyed teaching. On Sunday morning we met with the bishopric who released us from our positions and immediately placed us in new callings. I will now be serving as the Relief Society Secretary and Kai will be the Sunday School President. After having spent most of our time in Primary over the years Kai is a little nervous but very determined to take on this new challenge. I am excited about my new calling as well. I love to do computer work and working with my sisters is just just the change my life was needing right now. Thanks to all our family and friends for their support and encouragement. It doesn't matter how grown-up we think we are there is always a new challenge waiting just around the corner.


Kimberly said...

Yay, new callings! You get to go to Relief Society now, lucky! I was silently cheering for you during sacrament :)

Casey said...

Thats really exciting...I enjoy being secretary in YW, its pretty low key :)