Monday, March 10, 2008


Because Kai is in medical school we get our living money in 6 month increments which means a lot of forethought. For the past 2 1/2 years I have overseen all of the accounts, juggled the finances, and somehow squeaked by every year, until now. Realizing my plight I went to my husband for a few ideas but he got a lot more involved then I had expected. By January he had a complete budget set up and told me to write a check to pay off some of our debt I had been sitting on. I was greatly concerned but he showed me the budget and I thought it did seem reasonable. However, I have found it a lot easier to stay within budget when I knew at the end of the month I was going to be held accountable to my husband (in February one little ice cream trip with my kids caused me a great deal of guilt).

On Friday I took Summer to Great Lakes Crossing an indoor outlet mall just 30 min. away with an awesome play area, stores for every budget, and some interesting things for the kids to see. I tried to stay away from the stores but when my eyes fell on a 2.99 and under sale at Children's Place my budget-oriented mind went crazy. I just had to go in. This is when I just love living within a budget. The thrill of buying my kids 2 gigantic bags of clothes for $40 including tax was almost more than I could handle. What was even more fun was the look on my darling husband's face when he walked in the door and saw the bags from a somewhat pricey store called Children's Place. When I started to show him the coat, 2 jackets, 4 pants, and umpteen shirts his face just kept falling. "You went over budget?" I thought he was going to cry. "No, no I didn't, there's even enough left over to make sure the Kid's Budget lasts the rest of the month!" I loved every minute of it.

1 comment:

Summer said...

That is so great! I am so happy I could help full fill your day of shopping!!!!